You're Here for a Reason and the Time is now
Why Work With Rick
You have always known deep down that . . .
You were meant for something much bigger and more profound.
For a long time, you’ve wanted to accomplish great things, make an impact, and leave a legacy. You’ve wanted to experience freedom, joy, and prosperity as a lifestyle. You may have been on your way.
And then your addiction came creeping up, chipping chipped away at your hopes and dreams little by little until you were left with a crushed spirit, tortured emotions, and a curiosity questioning what the hell happened to your life.
Things you thought you knew are in question. The way you thought it would go has been re-routed. A lot of what you had has been stripped away. The person you thought you were is up for debate. And the anxiety? It’s enough to think you’re going mad.
I’m here to tell you, it’s okay. Where you were and where you are now is temporary.
I’ve experienced all of it, and I know how you feel. I know what you’ve been through. I know what you’re going through. You don’t need to suffer.
You may have been clean for quite some time, or you may be new to recovery. The negative thoughts and feelings are like a prison cell, but you have the key! You deserve to be free, and you can be. Free indeed, and that’s only the beginning.
You've Been Given a Great Gift
for to understand that your past has only refined you, not defined you. And for that, you will someday be very grateful.
Here’s more great news. Your pain is not wasted! Nope. The anguish and difficulties you’ve endured have already allowed you to learn new things, adjust, and to move in a new direction. You possess the ability to redeem your past for both your benefit and the benefit of others. Not only that, but it’s also providing a pathway for you!
You’ve been given a great gift. Not only your life, but you got another shot at doing things differently and better this time, and I believe you being here is no accident. I hope you believe it too. I have known a lot of people who didn’t make it back to resume their lives in any form or fashion. Do you understand how precious your life is?

Loved ones, friends, and a few people you probably don’t even know were concerned, wanted to help, and prayed for you. Those who came to your rescue, no matter how annoying it seemed to you at the time, and pulled you from tragedy.
You’ve also been given the chance to understand the value of people in your life. I hope that a new perspective is setting in that allows you to cherish your family and friends like never before. They are essential to your well-being, and you want to share your life with them.
It’s easy to take our loved ones and our own lives for granted, and it often requires a disruption like an addiction to make us appreciate what we have and to find the will to change.
Our minds are powerful, and you got to experience firsthand the consequences of misguided thoughts and emotions. I suppose we are all victims to ourselves in one way or the other, but some of us fool ourselves far more than others. Just as our minds can sabotage our progress, we can also gear our minds to work for us, on our behalf. You’re poised to make better decisions now and not as likely to “get in your own way”.
Your life matters, and this is the beginning of a new one. I hope there’s a stirring within you that will motivate you and cause action. This is the time to take advantage of the opportunity in front of you. This is the time to strengthen the foundation, rewire, repair, and rebuild. You’re a decision and a solid commitment away from changing everything.
Sure, you were knocked off course, but you were on the wrong path anyway. The new path awaits and beckons you.
An Incredible Opportunity Is In Front of You
The field of your life is most fertile right now, and it’s time to plant and to plow and to water and to groom and protect and defend. The harvest that you’ll reap later depends on the work you do now. God is calling you to something bigger than yourself. He has a bigger plan, and He wants you in on it.
Are you ready to go all in? Ready for progress? Ready for positive change and happiness? Happiness is yours, and you’ll experience it in the guided and creative pursuit of your best life. Lean into it, step, and you’re on your way!
Questions need answers, problems need solutions, imaginations need stretched, joy needs to be shared, stories need to be told, mountains climbed, and lives need lived. Allow me to help you live yours well.
You’re Here for a Reason, and the Time is Now
The field of your life is most fertile right now, and it’s time to plant and to plow and to water and to groom and protect and defend. The harvest that you’ll reap later depends on the work you do now. God is calling you to something bigger than yourself. He has a bigger plan, and He wants you in on it.
Are you ready to go all in? Ready for progress? Ready for positive change and happiness? Happiness is yours, and you’ll experience it in the guided and creative pursuit of your best life. Lean into it, step, and you’re on your way!
Questions need answers, problems need solutions, imaginations need stretched, joy needs to be shared, stories need to be told, mountains climbed, and lives need lived. Allow me to help you live yours well.
Set up your free strategy call right now. I want to hear how you’re doing, and we’ll put a plan together for you. If you want to work with me further, that’s great, and if not, we’re still friends. Make the commitment and set up your free coaching call, and let’s get you on your way to freedom and real living.
Rick Whiting
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I want to hear how you’re doing, and we’ll put a plan together for you. ~Rick
Rick Whiting
Your Recovery & Performance Coach
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Disclaimer: Rick Whiting is not a medical professional and is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Programs and products herein are not a replacement to medical treatment or therapy. Rick Whiting recommends that anyone experiencing a medical or mental health issue to seek professional medical help. The comments and opinions as written on this site are simply that and are not to be taken as professional medical opinions. Rick Whiting provides coaching, education, accountability and peer support around life transformation through his own professional education, research, and personal experiences.