Rick Whiting Public Speaker and Coach of Second Chances

Three Ways

We’ve all heard them…

“I don’t have enough time.”

“I’m not smart enough.”

“My resources are limited.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Only highly educated people can be rich.”

“Little man just can’t get ahead.”

And the list goes on…

In my 25 years of managing and coaching, I’ve met people who are experts or have everything they need to win in life, yet they are broke, miserable, and unhappy. 


They doubt, they worry, they fear all the time. They are paralyzed by analyzing their life, and then their lives go nowhere. They have belief issues.

All of us have some limiting beliefs. Sometimes these beliefs originate in our childhood, instilled in us by our parents or friends sometimes with good intentions. Other times, these beliefs are the result of trauma we experience, setbacks, or losses. Many beliefs are simply lies we’ve bought into along the way. Sometimes there is no obvious explanation for where these beliefs come from. 

We develop perceptions of what we can and cannot do or do well based on what others say, the expressions on their faces, or what we think is the standard of excellence. We’re too worried about what others think. The imperfections are what sets the stage for the pursuit of excellence or whatever we desire. There’s adventure in the journey toward creating a better life for ourselves. 

Whatever the case, these beliefs are damaging to us.

If we wish to achieve our true potential, we must destroy the limiting beliefs that are holding us back.

Following are 3 techniques you may not have thought about. I’ll be telling you a lot more, but here are just a few ways to attack those beliefs that are holding you back… 

#1 Slay your dragons 

You’re so busy that you feel like you don’t have enough time to do the things that really matter to you.

You feel like you’re running in a thousand different directions without really making much progress on anything.

And when you look around, you see that all your friends and coworkers are really busy as well.

So, you simply accept extreme busyness as the norm.

But does this have to be the norm? It doesn’t.

So what should you do? 

Plan your day / week / month ahead of time. Manage your time and manage your life. 

Focus on your most important tasks first, freeing you up to achieve more during the day. 

Work on the thing that matters to you most FIRST thing in the day. 

By making quick progress on the tasks that matter most, you’ll feel more productive. You’ll slash the limiting belief. 

The key to time management is not spending equal time on things. Instead, it’s doing the right thing at the right time. Get stuff done in the timeframe you designate.

This principle is often called “Slaying your dragons.” It’s time to tell your life where to go instead of wondering where it went.

#2 Learn from your past failures that will help you succeed in the future.

If you’ve ever tried and failed at something in the past, it’s easy to assume that your past failure means that you’ll fail again in the future.

“Once a failure, always a failure.” 

Let’s put that belief out of its misery right now. Just because you’ve failed in the past doesn’t mean that you’ll fail in the future.

In fact, failure in the past is actually an advantage! Don’t write off seeming failures as evidence to your incapability. Consider it experience to make you better. 

Thomas Edison struggled for years to figure out how to invent a functioning lightbulb. When asked how he kept going despite so much “failure,” he said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. No wonder why he was a high achiever. 

Let’s adopt the same belief. Life is a series of experiments that lead us in the right direction.

You haven’t failed in the past. You’ve simply discovered one particular way that doesn’t work. You have clues to a better path. You’ve grown and if you practice, you can only get better. 

#3 Believe that the universe “has your back”, aka abundance mindset. 

Before I explain how this will help, let me reverse engineer the situation so that you get clarity on why we do what we do. 

It operates out of what is called a “scarcity” mentality, which is the belief that there are only so many resources in the world and that most of these resources have been taken by others.

This leads you to assume that there aren’t enough resources for you to do what you want to do. Life happens, and sometimes it causes people to put on blinders, think small, and not see the world of opportunity. 

There is no limit to the resources available if you simply start looking for them and opening yourself to receive them.

Instead of believing that there are very few resources available, you believe that there is more than enough to go around.

Believe that you can get whatever you need to accomplish your dreams

Instead of dreaming little and limited dreams, dream big! All you need is in front of you, and you can figure out almost everything you need to figure out. 

This mindset is called an “abundance” mindset. 

Take control of what you are thinking, filter it, take the good and discard the harmful thoughts that lead to limiting beliefs. 

Here is the summary: 

Your new belief becomes: “There is plenty of time to do what matters because I work on what matters first.”

Your new belief is that I am committed to my success, regardless of the past.

Your new belief is that the universe has everything you need, and it is available to you. 

Hope this helps, 

Rick Whiting. 

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