I'm Rick!

My story might look a lot like yours.

There’s a path to freedom in this life and the next

My Story

My name is printed in our hometown newspaper for making my high school’s Principals Honor Roll. On the flip side of the exact same page was my brother’s name. Except he was listed on the prior day’s arrest log for a DUI. How Ironic – I’m in there for a 4.0, and he was in there because he blew a 10.0. 

I’m what psychologists call the “rescuer” of the family. It was up to me to make my parents proud. I would uphold the family name. I would be successful – at any cost. I made good on that objective. 

Class President, great grades even through college, scholarships, honors, awards, positions. Good things came to me easily early in my life. I was fortunate, but I wasn’t well prepared for difficult times. I now know that “to whom much is given, much is required.” I would learn that the hard way.  

I've Come Back to Get You

And Show You the Way

My first real job of three years in the 80’s took me to Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, and South Padre Island for nine straight weeks of spring break. We partied like rock stars, and we rocked like party stars. Crazy. Fun. Crazy fun. I came away unscathed. Am I addiction proof? 

Ten years later I’m in California, happily married with young beautiful children, nice company car, and making bank. Only an idiot could screw this up. One apparently fled the village. That would be me.  

I’m having an affair. It’s an instant attraction. We hook up often. I figure nobody will know. My affair is with pain pills.

Like a love affair, I like the way I feel. One thing leads to another, good sense goes out the window, and then comes the hiding and the lies. I’m hoping to increase my quality of life. Turns out, the result is just the opposite.

In no time, peacefulness turns to peril. The fun is over, the high is gone, and I’m hooked. Completely dependent on pain meds, and I can’t stop. Years go by. I’m a slave to pain narcotics, and my only goal is to make sure the supply never depleted. 

I get kicked out of the house until I can “fix” the problem. No curfews. No questions. Free to do as I please. Not a winning combination. It only got worse. Pills, patches, and injectables. Oh my! Since I got myself into this mess, I’ve got to get myself out of it (a common example of ignorance). 

I convince myself that a detox is all I need (a second example of recovery obliviousness). I’ll buy my sobriety on the weekend and be back to work on Monday! I do a rapid opiate detox in an L.A. hospital. I relapse a week later. I’m back to where I was and whole lot poorer.  Years go by. I lose my high-paying job at the company I helped build. Life sucks and people close to me are losing faith in me. I am too. I’m scared where this is going.

I've discovered my true purpose

Helping You Heal and Achieve Your Dreams

Still thinking I know best (like that’s done any good for me lately), I don’t think rehab will help me. I tried to convince my wife it’s only for stupid people. “It’s not for me. I’m different (third misconception)”. But at the firm suggestion of everyone that still cares about me, I decide to give it a shot. 

My second night there after a week in detox, I’m sitting in my chair waiting for the speaker meeting to start. I’m planning my escape but realize it’s a voluntary program. Where’s the rush in that? 

Needless to say, coming off a decade and a half all-day everyday addiction to opiates, I’m not liking life. Fatigue, restless, hurting all over, and anxiety through the roof!  

A guy about my age steps up to the microphone and says something about being glad he’s an addict. What? Did he say what I think he said? I’m wondering what planet he’s from because I’m not personally finding the mental and physical torment all that freakin’ jovial if you know what I mean. Nevertheless, I’m listening to this guy’s story. I perk up. It sounds a lot like mine. In brutal detail, he tells of what his life was like before recovery, how he got clean, and what his life is like today. I am blown away! 

For the first time in a very long time, I’m feeling hopeful that I too might have a chance at conquering this thing. All the personal stories are gifts of hope. I get a glimpse of what could possibly be in store if I can stay clean. It won’t be easy. I have a long way to go. For the remaining days in rehab, I dig in and am learning everything I can from every person and source at my disposal. Turns out, nobody there is stupid.

It’s been over 15 years since my time in rehab. I not only restored my life and the things in it, but I’m a far better person, husband, father, and businessperson than I ever would have been had I not taken the broken road.  

I’m stronger. I care genuinely. I love deeper. I see things I didn’t see before, and I have so much more appreciation of life and people than before. There’s more meaning to life than I ever knew existed. I’ve redeemed the past pain and loss. 

I don’t take things for granted, and I know I’m entitled to nothing. Because I almost lost it all, I have an immense gratitude for all my blessings. I got to know the Creator, and He is awesome.

My skills, experiences, talent, gifts, passion, and insight have come full circle, perfectly orchestrated for what I now do. I’ve discovered my true purpose and joyfully pursue it daily – helping others heal, love their lives, and achieve their dreams.

There’s so much to live for, to see, to do, and to be. Life is what you make it, and this is the perfect time to make it awesome! 

The next chapters of your life are upon you, and it’s my desire that you reach your potential and love the life you live. There’s a path to freedom, prosperity, love and most anything else you desire. Nobody is meant to take this road alone. I’ve come back to get you and to show you the way.  

I guess I’m still a rescuer. And loving every minute of it. 

Rick Whiting

Your Recovery & Performance Coach

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Disclaimer:  Rick Whiting is not a medical professional and is not providing therapy or medical treatment. Programs and products herein are not a replacement to medical treatment or therapy. Rick Whiting recommends that anyone experiencing a medical or mental health issue to seek professional medical help. The comments and opinions as written on this site are simply that and are not to be taken as professional medical opinions.  Rick Whiting provides coaching, education, accountability and peer support around life transformation through his own professional education, research, and personal experiences.

Rick Whiting Public Speaker and Coach of Second Chances

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