Rick Whiting Public Speaker and Coach of Second Chances

3 Reasons Why Sales Professionals Need a Life Coach

No matter how well you’re doing in your sales career, I guarantee that a good life coach can help you rise to an even greater level of success. A life coach could possibly even double your income this coming year alone. That may sound like a bold statement, but I’ve seen similar dramatic results time and time again.

So, if you’ve never heard of a life coach, or are familiar with the concept but aren’t really sure how they can help you grow as a sales professional, let me fill you in.

A life coach specializes in inspiring you to go beyond the ordinary, to raise your standards and definition of success to a higher level that you’re truly capable of reaching but don’t know how.

Think about it. We utilize the services of others all the time to get better results than we could on our own. Trainers, bakers, attorneys, marketing companies, doctors, repair people, hair stylists, vocal coaches, and thousands of other people add value to our lives. What about you? What about your career? Doesn’t it make sense to invest in your life above all other things? Books, blogs, podcasts, and speeches are great, but true transformation takes place in community, especially when yoked with an expert who knows you and cares.

Most people will never achieve what they are truly capable of, simply because they haven’t formed the right partnership to make it happen. A life coach is exactly that, a true partner in your success.

Here are three more concrete reasons why all sales professionals should consider teaming up with a life coach:

1. A life coach helps you learn from your setbacks, new and old. Let’s face it, in sales we must get used to rejection. But how you use and learn from that rejection is a major determining factor in how successful you can be.

It’s a mental game that you can win as long as you’re empowered to do it and, at the same time, get out of your own way. The biggest obstacle in your way is you, not the lack of resources or opportunities. The good news is that if you’re the problem, you’re also the solution. A talented life coach helps put perspective on your successes and your failures, pulls your talent to the sso you can benefit and grow from both to win with money and win at life.

2. A life coach doesn’t judge you. He doesn’t paint a rosy picture of everything either. He is real and wants to see you succeed through mastering your abilities, experiencing peak awareness, and finding clarity that can sustain continued growth while keeping core values intact. With a professional perspective, a coach can get you to where you want to go with a high level of integrity and confidence.

3. A life coach gets to know and gets you to know your values, passion and life-purpose and holds you to them. It’s easy to get sidetracked, to lose sight of what’s truly important for your life and career. A life coach helps you maintain your focus and stay on track. You’ll gain incredibly beneficial insights, find a higher level of emotional intelligence, make better decisions, and overcome obstacles that stand in the way.

Simply keeping you fearlessly working towards your ultimate goal is one of the most powerful services a life coach can provide.

Take advantage of it.

All the best, 
