Rick Whiting Public Speaker and Coach of Second Chances

10 Reasons Why a Life Coach Is Your Secret to Success

“If I knew then what I know now.” That thought crosses my mind occasionally. I don’t have a lot of regrets, but I just think how the wisdom I’ve accumulated would have baffled minds back in the day and got me decades ahead. With the same confidence when I was a lot younger, I would have blasted through barriers and been unstoppable, and the know-how would have made me a superstar and a DIY prodigy. 

Both Eddy Money and I know we can’t go back. So, to your fortune, what I have and what I know I’m happy to depart to you, my friends. Why would you need a Life Coach? Why not a Life Coach? That’s the more reasonable question. 

The concept is nothing new. People have been paying other people a lot of money to improve their appearance, health, and well-being. Think of all the services people pay for to better their lives. Haircuts, manicures, massages, legal representation, doctor visits, dental office, therapists, attorneys, entertainers, house painters, and more specifically coaches like fitness coaches, weight loss coaches, voice instructors, guitar instructors, pageant trainers, financial planners, and the list goes on and on. Experts are in demand.

Wouldn’t it then make sense to entrust the development of your life and skills to an expert as well? It certainly does. When you look in the mirror, are you the person you dreamed of becoming? Are you making the impact you had hoped? Do you want to put the pain of your recovery behind you and get on to living the good life? Is it time to make your stand?

1. There’s a Lot at Stake.

A lot is riding on your recovery success, things like… everything. The rest and best of your life is ahead of you, and the quality of it hangs in the balance. Your future lies in your unknown. Your support group is a major benefit, and your sponsor plays a vital role in keeping you clean and on track in your recovery, but you should welcome all the help you can get.

2. A Great Life Comes with Great Responsibility

Especially for those in early addiction recovery. You’re probably facing the hardest time of your life, and failure has major consequences. You’re tasked with transforming the way you think and the way you behave as you fight temptation and obsession while trying to keep up with the demands of a fast-paced world when you least feel like it.

3. You’ll Have Access to Vast Wisdom.

Your coach helps you tap into your personal power and happiness while introducing you to new life-changing concepts and methods. He’s someone who motivates and challenges you, and you get to use his prized possession, his playbook. Not his Playboy, his coach playbook. 

4. A Coach Brings Out Your Very Best.

Why a Life Coach? When you’re in the building phase, if you’re not jumping out of bed every morning stoked to live another day, on fire to cease opportunities to make a difference, and hungry for a life you love, you need a coach to come along side you. He will support you to keep on track and hold you accountable. Your coach doesn’t do it for you. He helps you bring out your very best. 

5. You Want to Achieve Great Things.

Life coaching as we know it today was only available to the wealthy not long ago. Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Hugh Jackman, and others credit personal coaches with having a major influence in their lives. If you want to be a high achiever, do as the high achievers do. Now, it’s affordable and readily available to those who dare to fulfill their dreams. 

6. Your Future Matters.

Gentlemen, you get to rewrite the next chapters of your life and tell your story. Cultivate new relationships, re-gain trust of your loved ones, and achieve things you’ve only dreamed of. I know us men don’t even like asking for directions, but we now have a GPS to save face. And for your life direction, a coach could be your wisest investment. Contrary to some men’s belief, it’s cool to have a coach.

7. Your Coach Has Been There.

I know what you’re going through. You’re not always comfortable talking about some things with friends and family for risk of them thinking you’re weak or overpowered, when in reality, these are the things you need to talk about most, and it’s best done with someone who understands, will listen without judgment, and has proven solutions. 

8. A Great Life is No Accident.

I want to help you resolve the pain of your past and lighten the load of emotional baggage you have been carrying for quite some time. I’ll help you bear the burden side-by-side, and we’ll uncover your true identity by establishing who you are, what you believe, and what you stand for. 

There’s a process that needs to take place in a particular order. It starts with getting your feet on solid ground. Then we get your head right by dispelling the lies you’ve bought into over the years, replace them with the truth. We look at the man you want to be, and then we go about the business of closing the gap. Success and incredible lives are no accident.  

9. Your Coach Shows You the Way.

There are a lot of things at play when trying to chisel out the life you want to live. A coach helps you change your habits, conquer your limiting beliefs, instill confidence, gain a whole new perspective, and to find your winning edge. He can lead your forward thinking by pulling out your vision for the future and help you design an actionable plan to propel you toward your hopes and dreams. Who better to help than one who has been there and can show you the way? 

10. You’ll Have Experience on Your Side.

On your own, it’s hard to break through the potential pitfalls of your journey and take on new mindsets on your own. You can leverage an expert with experience who has done the hard work and figured out the best path and one who has helped others achieve results ten times faster than they ever could on their own.

Think about it this way, what would it cost to not invest in yourself and your future? Can you afford not to? One breakthrough can change your life forever. By not acting, you may never know what could have been. What price would you put on a lifetime of happiness, fulfillment, or a new confidence that opens doors you never thought possible? What is life transformation worth to you? 

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela